Billy Graham said, “One of the first verses of Scripture that I memorized was ‘What you have heard from me before many witnesses, this commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.’ (2 Timothy 2: 2) This is like a mathematical formula for spreading the gospel and growing the church.  Paul taught Timothy; Timothy shared what he knew with faithful men; These faithful men would teach others as well. And so the process goes on and on. If every believer followed this pattern, the church could reach the entire world in one generation!  Massive crusades, in which I believe and have committed my life, will never end the Great Commission; but a one-on-one ministry will. “

 An authentic and growing faith ……………. that is the goal.

As a parent, what is in my control?

Building Blocks for Spiritual Success.jpg

The faith that endures is one built on a rational belief structure that is well reasoned and discerning.

How does a parent build an authentic faith?

The easiest way is role modeling …… Find parents that have produced a young adult like you want and ask, “How did you do that?

The Parable of the Sower

Our plan for the kids ……….

It started with some written goals that focused on Spiritual Development, but included other disciplines.

Goals / To Do List

Read the Bible

o   Read the Bible cover to cover twice before High School Graduation / use the Bible App reading plan and track comments.

Read the other Books

o   More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell

o   The Five Purposes of a Church by Rick Warren

o   The 5000 Year Leap - A Miracle that Changed the World by Dr. W. Cleon Skousen



>>> Most of these movies are definitely NOT appropriate for students less than 18 years old.*

o   The Passion of the Christ (Rated R)

Schindler’s List* (Rated R)

o   The Hiding Place – (Rated PG)

o   Saving Private Ryan* (Rated R)


Money & Stewardship

o   Crown Ministry course for students

o   Dave Ramsey - Financial Peace

o   Spend a day / week with a family friend with excellent stewardship traits

o   Dave Stott – Stewardship / 4 sessions


Misc. Classes

o   Growing Kids God’s Way - GKGW

o   F.A.I.T.H. – Witnessing Class

o   Red Cross Baby Sitting Class

o   Romans Road gospel presentation

o   Experiencing God

o   Community Bible Study / Bible Study Fellowship (Children’s program)


Conferences & Camps

o   Walk thru the Bible - Old Testament & New Testament Seminars

o   Centrifuge / Centrikid – Christian Camp

o   Missionfuge – Christian Camp

o  World Changers - Christian Camp


Marriage & Dating Relationships

o   “Fit to be tied” by Bill Hybels

o   Study first century Jewish Wedding

o   “Key to the heart”

o   Mock Wedding Ceremony to discuss customs / traditions / symbols

 Volunteer in the Special Olympics

Overseas mission trip


            Seek as interested.  

            Self defense class – tae kwon do

THEN ………… it became more formalized.

The following MS EXCEL spreadsheet shares the plan for one of our kids. Each child had an individual plan. We simply wanted to intentionally disciple each child. The plan is NOT provided as a “do this approach …..” It is a tool to get parents thinking about what they should teach their children. It can be a quick start template for your plan.

What is Christian discipleship?

What approach should parents take to train and equip their kids to be successful in the eyes of the “Audience of ONE”? Ultimately, that is the only real question…..

Review the “Learning Modules” in the top ribbon. These Modules attempt to mirror many of the educational goals that we had for the children