As a parent, YOU are a leader in the home.
Years ago, Lisa and I heard Adrian Rogers, Author and Pastor, at the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove. He said, “the home should be the University for life.”
Mom and Dad ……. you both are the Professors.
You choose the curriculum (events and activities) and teach the “courses.” You are the leaders.
Leadership requires movement and a destination. The leader must know the destination and have a plan to reach it. The leader must also be able to communicate the plan, provide rationale why the destination is important, inspire others to join the movement and then act. The leader must be committed to the task and realize that success may require an iterative approach. He or she must understand and practice the notion that failure can ultimately lead to success.
Warren Bennis, author and Professor at University of Southern California said, “Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right.” The leader must be doing the “right things.” Are you spending your time wisely? Are you directing your kids to spend their time wisely?
If the “leader’s ladder” is leaning against the wrong wall (building / structure - the leader’s idea of success), his or her well intentioned efforts to ascend the structure will be of little value. Furthermore, this endeavor may be detrimental to the follower (your children).
Consider your actions ……