1. “Be the person that you want them to be.”— Kids have finely tuned hypocrisy sensors. Be the role model - Fathers especially.
2. Start early in parenting. Barna, Dobson and others believe that kids are most open to the Gospel before 10 years of age.
2a. Research indicates that kids form a worldview by age 12.
3. Know that “others” are important. A Christian Role model - Friend, Small Group Leader, Student Pastor can make a tremendous impact.
4. Attend Christian Camps with your kids.
5. Have them listen to Christian Music in your house. Realize how much music influences and becomes embedded in the mind of a young person.
Napoleon Bonaparte said, "Give me control over he who shapes the music of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws." This statement sums up his thoughts on the enormous power of music.
6. Kids should attend growing and vibrant Churches and small group Bible Studies where God’s word is truly honored.
7. Realize that you must protect their heart and minds. Choose their educational path (home school, private school or public school) VERY carefully; especially in today’s post-Christian world.
8. Manage your child’s environment. Think about the phone, peers and outside influences - social media, TV, music, neighbor children, etc.