It was a Sunday morning in 1992 in a small church in Richmond, Virginia. The Pastor presented the Gospel and encouraged any that had not already done so to take a step of faith. “Will you accept the free gift?”
I responded.
As I walked down the aisle, I was nervous. I didn’t know exactly what would happen. I reached out my hand and shook the hand of Pastor Garvin Martin. He asked a profound question, “Do you understand that this is the most important decision that you will ever make?” It has been over 30 years and I still remember the feeling that I had when I heard this question.
I was a new believer and very confused.
Although a part of me intellectually agreed that this was the most important decision that I would ever make, another part of me resisted the question. How could this be the most important decision that I would ever make?
I would sum up my consternation, with a simple reason: a mixed message. For the first 27 years of my life, I received a “mixed message” from my parents, the church and school. If my response to the gospel was truly the most important decision that I would ever make, why didn’t I have a better understanding of this good news? I was clueless.
Why was I so ill-prepared to make this decision?
As I reflect on my upbringing, the fact that there was no plan, no accountability and no consistent message that substantiated the importance of the spiritual aspect of my life continues to be a salient factor. The bottom line …….. The actions of my parents, and others in the church, spoke louder than their words.
Try to get behind the eyes of our young people.
What messages are routinely sent to them? What is more important - Learning Math, Biology, English Literature, World History, etc. (academics) OR learning about the gospel and the transforming power of God himself (Bible knowledge)? Undoubtedly, many of our young people have concluded that learning Math, Biology, English Literature, etc. AND participating in extracurricular activities such as Sports / Dance Class / Band / Community Service are more important than God’s Word. After all, that is where “our” time and focus lies.
Consider the investment of our most precious commodities: time and money. Look at your calendar and your bank statement. Where are your most important resources being spent?
PLEASE don’t follow the crowd. Jesus said, “small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
This website seeks to encourage parents to create and implement a discipleship plan. Your kids need to find the gate; understand why the gate exists; enter through the gate AND then move BEYOND THE GATE onto the path. Afterall, Jesus says that “the way is narrow that leads to life.”
The website provides resources that will help parents disciple their children in an intentional, deliberate and structured manner in an effort to minimize a mixed message.