Discipleship MODULES

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.


The following educational (Modules) are inductive and should be completed sequentially

Using a military analogy, the United States Armed Forces exist to defend our country. Our nation does not presently force or compel (draft) individuals to be a part of our military; it consists exclusively of volunteers. Each member of the Armed Forces makes a conscious and deliberate decision to serve / enlist. They take an oath to uphold the Constitution. Protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States becomes their duty and responsibility as a soldier. Subsequently, an identity change commences: civilian to soldier.

The same call to duty exists in Christianity. Every person in our society has the freedom to accept or reject the Bible’s message (the gospel). God doesn’t compel people to believe. He gives us free will. The choice to become a part of God’s kingdom is voluntary. Each Christ follower has made a conscious and deliberate choice. Christ followers are committed to upholding and proclaiming the truth revealed in the Bible. It is the duty and responsibility of a Christian. Subsequently, an identity change takes place: unbeliever to believer.

If you are a Christian, the following learning modules seek to provide or strengthen a basic foundation. The structured information will build a framework and connect some of what you may have learned in church.

If you are not a Christian, the modules will challenge your current belief structure. When Module 3 is complete, I ask that you consider answering the call. Will you choose to become part of a group of individuals that follow the person of Jesus? If not, be honest with yourself. Why? It’s a huge decision.

If you do choose to accept God’s offer of forgiveness and make Jesus Lord, you become a citizen of His Kingdom - a kingdom not of this world. You become a member of the body of Christ / the church (a group of people that acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior). Jesus becomes your king / commander. Unlike the decision to enlist in the military, the decision to follow Christ requires surrender and results in certain death. Jesus asks us to become living sacrifices. Jesus says in Matthew Chapter 16, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”

The first three (1-3) modules attempt to establish “evidence” for the unbeliever to consider so that they may voluntarily choose to become a Christian / enlist in His Kingdom. If you are a believer, these modules endeavor to strengthen your faith.

The last nine (4-12) modules would resemble the basic training AFTER they decide to enlist / follow.

The U.S. Military conducts Basic Training in three separate and distinct phases of instruction.

  • RED

    Core Values.

    This phase teaches each soldier the military code for success.

    The values that each service member (Disciple) must embrace are duty, service, loyalty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage. For the Christian, it can be summarized by the command to love God and love others.


    Weapons training.

    This phase is geared toward the development of combat skills with a notable emphasis on weapon use.

    For the Christian, the Sword of the Spirit (God’s word / Bible) and prayer are the only offensive weapons. Christ followers must develop core spiritual disciplines to be effective Kingdom citizens.

  • BLUE

    Scenario Training.

    This phase focuses on live engagement in military scenarios.

    These advanced modules bring together all the knowledge, skills and abilities that one needs to be a confident, disciplined, contributing member of the Christian Church.

    Reference: MILITARY.COM

Click the Module 1 button to begin


1 Corinthians 15: 12-19



Does God exist?

Is there such a thing as objective moral truth?

Hasn’t science disproven the need for God?

Be intellectually honest and logically consistent. If God doesn’t exist, the Bible is a fairy tale and Christian education is largely a waste of time.


Romans 8: 1



Is there sufficient evidence to support a rationale belief structure?

If the claims of Jesus are true, a decision to follow Him is the most important decision that a person will ever make.

If I believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, what should I do?

John 3: 16



What is the Gospel?

What must a person believe to be saved?

What are the essential elements of a Gospel presentation?


2 Timothy 3: 16 & 17



How is the Bible organized?

The Old Testament (39 books) - historical books, poetical books and prophetical books.

The New Testament (27 books) - the four Gospels, Acts (history of the early church), Paul’s and other followers’ letters to churches and the Book of Revelations.

66 books

Matthew 4: 20-22



What does it mean to be a disciple?

What are the marks of a true believer?

What are the characteristics of a “healthy” church?

Ephesians 2: 8-9



Baptism * The Lord’s Supper * The Trinity * the Bible * Prayer * Worship * Church

Salvation by faith alone by grace alone

1 Chronicles 12: 32



As a Christian, how do you interpret the world?

What is a proper Christian view? Consider cultural differences and changes over time.

Acts 17: 23



What about other religions?

Does a belief in Christianity render other religions false?

Is it true that there is only way to heaven?

I Peter 1: 1



Christians are called to be in the world, but not of the world.

How do I practice my faith in all public arenas?

The Apostle Peter reminds me that I am a citizen of another Kingdom.

1 Peter 3: 15



How do I defend my belief with gentleness and respect towards those inquiring?

Two main questions that all mankind must answer:

  • Who is Jesus?

  • Do you love Him?


2 Corinthians 6: 14



What’s the difference between Dating & Courting?

What is a covenant relationship and how does it differ from a consumer relationship?

Marriage is a picture of the Gospel.

What we can learn from a First Century Jewish Wedding?

Hebrews 13: 21

2 Timothy 3: 17

Ephesians 6: 10-18



When “Boot Camp” is complete, what should I do?

Would you consider discipling another?

Can you write a statement of what you believe?