Module 1 is foundational for all lessons that follow. If you’re not on board with this material, then, Christianity is in jeopardy. Obviously, if God doesn’t exist, then all religions, including Christianity, are a complete waste of time and could even be detrimental to our lives.

Think about the significance of these matters: God, Truth & Science.

Shouldn’t a person seriously consider the evidence for God’s existence? Shouldn’t a person investigate whether or not truth exists? What about science? Haven’t scientific advances over the centuries explained much of what earlier societies attributed to the realm of God? If so, won’t the need for "a God” diminish over time?

The Module has three distinct portions: God, Truth & Science.

Jesus directed the civil and religious leaders to the Genesis account of creation.

In talking about divorce, Jesus asks: “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?” (Matthew 19:4-5)



Is the Genesis account of creation trustworthy?

Is Genesis Chapters 1-3 a factual account of how the world came into being?

Where will you build your house?

Where will you build your house?

This MODULE is likely the most important.

Jesus contrasted two houses:

If your house (life) is not built on a secure foundation, inclement weather / storms (adversity) will eventually destroy it. Jesus said that He is the only firm foundation to build on.

Your choice of a building location (rock or sand) has eternal benefits or consequences.

You get to decide. Choose wisely …..

The four basic questions of life ………….

  • Origin - Where did I come from?

  • Meaning - What is the purpose of life?

  • Morality - How do I make moral judgments?

  • Destiny - What happens when I die?

Consider the logic

If you wholeheartedly believe that God raised Christ from the dead, forgave the sins of the world, and has made a way for those who believe to be in heaven, then it’s not hard to believe other things about God. It would follow that God is not constrained by physical laws or time or space or whatever.

For example, “Did Jesus walk on water?” Did He? Is that true? How could a man walk on water?

What about God creating the world in six days? Did He engineer every cell of every living creature? Is He capable and sovereign to maintain the existence of the universe?

However, if you don’t believe in the power of the resurrection, then all these other belief issues are just symptoms of a bigger problem.

The Bible tells us that some people would worship the creation rather than the creator, and would embrance a lie over the truth. (Romans 1, 1 Timothy 6 and 2 Timothy 3-4). It’s good to be reminded that God knew that some people would not believe in Him. He warned us to be ready, sober minded, and prepared to deal with it.



More MODULE 1 resources for your consideration