John Lennox

What is the strongest argument supporting the existence of God?

5 minutes

“How can you believe that God exists when there is so much evil and suffering in this world?”

Follow the logic in this response to the question ………

When a person suggests the concept of evil, they must assume the opposite exists (a concept of good)?

If a person believes that good and evil exist in the world, how would evil be defined?

One must contemplate a “Moral Law” to objectively differentiate between good and evil.

If you propose a “Moral Law, you must conclude that a Moral Law Giver exists.

How could time plus matter plus chance (a Big Bang origin followed by the Evolutionary process) create a “Moral Law”?

What is the link between a Moral Law and a Moral Law Giver?

Anyone that raises the question of evil, it is raised “by a person” OR “about a person.” The question itself assumes all people have intrinsic (essential worth) value.

If human beings have no value, then the question implodes.

The question itself tends to prove the existence of God

Consider watching …..

PG - 2014 release 110 minutes

  • God is eternal - outside of time.

  • God is immaterial - outside of matter.

  • God is infinite - outside of space.

How would these attributes of God affect creation?

God is perfect. Therefore, He cannot change. Even a minor deviation would render Him imperfect.

Jean-Paul Sarte

No finite point has meaning without an infinite reference point.

Frank Turek - Cross Examined Ministries @

Why do you think that God exists?

45 minutes

The Fine Tuning of the Universe.

Have you ever thought about the Earth’s constants?

6 minutes

How a Dice can show that God exists?

5 minutes

 “Well then ……. Who created God?”

Have you ever heard this question?


Note that the question assumes that God is a created being; but, is this an accurate assumption?


If God exists outside of time, outside of space and is immaterial, would He need to be created?

Math proves that God exists

6 minutes

World Video Bible School (WVBS)

6 Proofs for God’s Existence

8 minutes