“The most valuable thing in the world is the truth; so valuable that it is often barricaded by a bodyguard of lies.”
— Winston Churchill
A man is accused of murdering a convenience store clerk during a robbery.
The defendant’s attorney asserts his innocence.
If you are a juror, you (with a panel of jurors) will determine his guilt or innocence. THE TRUTH FOR THE ACCUSED IS A MATTER OF FREEDOM or POTENTIALLY LIFE IN PRISON.
What actually happened? Courtrooms across this nation endeavor to find the truth. This particular environment accentuates the importance of knowing the truth.
CONVICTION: Consider the injustice of sending an innocent man to prison for the rest of his life, if he didn’t commit the crime.
EXONERATION: Consider what may happen to fellow citizens if the jury releases a murderer back into society.
The “correctness of the verdict / the truth” is paramount for the accused AND for society.
How much more important is a truth claim that pertains to matters of eternal life?
TRUTH is …….
3 Tests for Truth
What is truth? Pontius Pilate asked Jesus (John 18:38)
1. Logically consistent
2. Empirically adequate (provable or verifiable by experience or experiment)
3. Experientially relevant
Understand that the Bible has the ability to be falsified.
The Bible is not self-authenicating like the Quran. Mohammad says the Quran is the Word of God. The Quran says that Mohammad is the only spokesperson for God.
Ask someone, “Is there anything wrong with the world today?”
Listen to their response and ask. “Based on what?”
Consider Lying. If the 10 commandments don’t exist, lying is not “wrong” to them. What is their infinite reference point?
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”
John 14: 6a
Jesus claimed to embody truth ………. not “a truth;” but, “the truth.”
Realize that truth differs from honesty. One can be honest, but factually incorrect.
Webster’s Dictionary defines
TRUTH as the body of real things, events, and facts. Actuality.
HONESTY as sincerity; not meaning to mislead or deceive.