Dads ……… as far as your priorities, how important is being a great father to your kids?


True or False?

“Children inculcate values and a Biblical Worldview from their parents and strong role models.”

Although this statement has some truth, consider the children of the Greatest Generation …... (ones that experienced WW2)

I hope that we could agree that the 60s generation is not known for their virtuous behavior.

Parents must intentionally disciple their children.

If you are raising young men, what is the destination?

Has your son embraced a transcendent cause?

Rejects passivity - How does your son spend his time? The temporal or the eternal.

Accepts responsibility - Is your son taking ownership of his life and desired outcomes?

Consider the following graphical representation of “worldly” responsibility. This should be a “given.”

BUT, as a kingdom citizen, what does increasing spiritual / eternal responsibility look like?

Leads courageously - Does your son take leadership roles in his school, in his church, etc.?

Expects a greater reward - Does your son expect to be rewarded by the Lord for his sacrifice?


How I helped my boys to become Christian men?

Bruce Simms (My son’s Sunday morning Bible Teacher) sent this to him via email