Your approach to discipleship depends ……..
How old is your student?
What has been their experience?
What do they understand about the scriptures?
As a Mentor, what are the most impactful (right) things to do for your learner that will position them for spiritual success?
“Leaders do the right things and managers do things right.”
Warren Bennis
1. “Be the person that you want them to be.”— Kids have finely tuned hypocrisy sensors. Be the role model - Fathers especially.
2. Start early in parenting. Barna, Dobson and others believe that kids are most open to the Gospel before 10 years of age.
2a. Research indicates that kids form a worldview by age 12.
3. Know that “others” are important. A Christian Role model - Friend, Small Group Leader, Student Pastor can make a tremendous impact.
4. Attend Christian Camps with your kids.
5. Have them listen to Christian Music in your house. Realize how much music influences and becomes embedded in the mind of a young person.
Napoleon Bonaparte said, "Give me control over he who shapes the music of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws." This statement sums up his thoughts on the enormous power of music.
6. Kids should attend growing and vibrant Churches and small group Bible Studies where God’s word is truly honored.
7. Realize that you must protect their heart and minds. Choose their educational path (home school, private school or public school) very carefully; especially in today’s world.
8. Manage your child’s environment. Think about the phone, peers and outside influences - social media, TV, music, neighbor children, etc.
Discipleship should be approached with a sense of urgency and purpose
As a Mentor, YOU are the leader …...
Leadership requires movement and a destination. The leader must know the destination and have a plan to reach it. The leader must also be able to communicate the plan, provide rationale why the destination is important, inspire the student to join the movement and then act. The leader must be committed to the task and realize that success may require an iterative approach. He or she must understand and practice the notion that failure can ultimately lead to success.
Warren Bennis, author and Professor at University of Southern California said, “Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right.” The leader must be doing the “right things.” If the “leader’s ladder” is leaning against the wrong wall (building / structure), his or her well intentioned efforts to ascend the structure will be of little value. Furthermore, this endeavor may be detrimental to the follower.
Be the obedient follower that God called you to be ……….

Bruce Simms (My son’s Sunday morning Bible Teacher) sent this to him via email

How to prepare our kids for the physical act of dating?
As a parent, consider the power of parental influence, intentional and focused prayer
T. S. Eliot, The Idea of a Christian Society.
“The problem of leading a Christian life in a non-Christian society is now very present to us ……. And as for the Christian who is not conscious of his dilemma—and he is in the majority—he is becoming more and more de-Christianized by all sorts of unconscious pressure: paganism holds all the most valuable advertising space.”
Consider media as a tool to convey a message ………..
Check out Focus on the Family’s movie review website.
Elementary Age
Middle School
The Chosen Series
Ben Hur - 1950’s version (very long)
The Nativity
High School
The Chosen series
God’s not Dead (PG)
God’s not Dead - 2 (PG)
The Finest Hours - (2016) PG-13
Indivisible - (2018) PG-13
Woodlawn - (2015) PG
I can only imagine - (2018) PG
Like Arrows - (2018) PG
Flywheel - (2003) / INTEGRITY
Facing the Giants (2006) / BELIEF
Fireproof (2008) / FIDELITY IN MARRIAGE
Courageous (2011) / MANHOOD
War Room (2015) / PRAYER
Show me the Father (2021) / FATHERHOOD
Overcomer - 2019 (PG) / IDENTITY
Lifemark (2022) / ADOPTION
Unplanned / What she saw changed everything - 2019 (R)
Message - A former Planned Parenthood worker tells her story.
Life is Beautiful - 1997 (PG)
Message - Attitude has a monumental impact in how we approach adversity.
The Hiding Place (PG)
Message - A Christian Family helped hide Jews during Hitler’s efforts to exterminate this race. Do the right thing even when it costs you. Show Christ-like love to all.
Saving Private Ryan (R)
Message -Numerous soldiers died to save one individual (a Private - the lowest level of military soldier). What should Private Ryan do with his life to honor the sacrifices of these men? A powerful analogy that helps the Christian ponder choices in his or her life. How should a Christian live to honor the personal sacrifice of Christ Jesus?
Schindler’s List (R)
Message - Live intentionally with focus and make each moment count. Don’t waste your life with self aggrandizing and selfish endeavors.
Unbroken (PG-13)
Message - An olympic athlete (Louis Zamperini) becomes a soldier in WW2. He is captured, tortured and finally released when the war ends.
Unbroken: Path to Redemption (PG-13)
Message - The “Unbroken” story continues after Zamperini returns to his home in California. He struggles with the transition, hits rock bottom and ultimately becomes a Christian.
To End all Wars - 2001 (R)
Message - A true story of a WW2 prisoner of war and the impact of Christ on one man.
Chariots of Fire (PG)
Message - An olympic athlete chooses to honor God above all else.
The Passion of the Christ (R)
Very graphic violence. Message - Jesus obeyed the will of the Father. He went to the cross willlingly.