“People don’t plan to fail, they simply fail to plan.”

John L. Beckley

Ephesians 6: 10-18

This passage communicates the idea of a Christian Soldier and it stands as a powerful metaphor for me.

As Christian parents, we MUST realize that a spiritual battle encircles our family. Our kids will become casualties of this war unless they first understand a war wages around them and secondly, they are able to recognize the enemy and his tactics. Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

Consider a new recruit in the United States military. Each branch of the service has a unique and structured plan to prepare the soldier. Soldiers are intentionally developed. Recruits don’t simply live in a “peaceful & safe environment” and do whatever they wish. Boot Camp is an intense and focused seven to thirteen week training regiment. During this period of time, recruits are challenged physically, technically, academically and emotionally. Near the conclusion of boot camp, each soldier must be evaluated for battle readiness. Instructors know if a potential soldier fails to successfully complete boot camp, they will likely become a casualty of the war. The soldier must successfully complete boot camp BEFORE he / she is deployed to the battlefield.

Similarly, given the profundity of the spiritual war, shouldn’t Christian parents make sure that their kids are prepared (battle ready) before they leave the protection of our homes and enter the “world”? Given the societal deterioration in America, parents no longer have the luxury of a “safe environment” to train our kids. Our kids face daily attacks from destructive influences in their schools, neighborhoods and social media.

Many parents don’t have any sort of training plan or intentional way to educate their children in the things of the Lord. It is “hit or miss.” Accordingly, many of our young people are quickly swept up into the world’s system never to return.

Parents should create a thirst for a spiritual connection with God. They should equip their child in a safe environment and periodically evaluate their child’s battle readiness.

“Ready,” how do they know?

How can they evaluate their child’s preparedness if they don’t have an evaluation measure? How and what should the children know to be “ready” for the battle? Be honest with yourself and consider your present approach. Is it a defensive posture? Is that enough?

God’s best is training a warrior that can take ground! Please consider this vision for your son or daughter.

As a father and the spiritual leader of my home, it is my responsibility to train up my children. It is NOT the job of the church, the Senior Pastor, the Student Pastor or the Small Group leader to disciple my children, it is my God given privilege. The church and the Student Pastor can certainly help me and reinforce my efforts to provide a Biblical education and spiritual training; but, ultimately I will be held responsible for the aspects of their upbringing that I can control.

My wife and I contemplated our children’s education in light of this military analogy.

We talked about home school, private Christian School or public school. We talked about goals and ambitions. We talked about kids that we wanted our kids to be like AND then we talked to the parents of these kids. And we talked some more…….

ULTIMATELY, my wife and I decided to create a plan.



If you are struggling and don’t wish to create your own discipleship plan, please consider working through the LEARNING MODULES with your child.

A word of caution: As you may know, even if you develop the best plan on the face of the planet, the work of salvation is ONLY by the grace of God. A true and lasting relationship with the Lord is not a function of following a prescribed plan or process. It is by His mercy and grace.

The Apostle John says, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” (John 6:44)

Therefore, creating a strong faith is NOT a result of following a structured and prescriptive plan. IT IS A RESULT OF INTENTIONAL AND CONSISTENT PRAYER, YOUR EXAMPLE AND THE TRANSFORMING POWER OF GOD’S WORD. There are no guarantees ……. your child may become a causality in the battle. HOWEVER, intentionally and systematically, placing your child in the path of the Divine and esteeming the teachings of the Bible does transform hearts and minds. God’s word changes hearts! The spiritually dead are brought to life via His revealed Word and work of the Holy Spirit.